What is the Stakeholder Analysis Canvas?

When to Use the Stakeholder Analysis Canvas?

How Do I Use the Stakeholder Analysis Canvas?

Canvas Sections Header Footer Decision Makers Economic Buyers End Users Saboteurs Influencers Recommenders Implementors 1a_header 1b_footer 2_decision_makers 3_economic_buyers 4_end_users 5_saboteurs 6_influencers 7_recommenders 8_implementors

①a Header

  • Designed for: Which organization (company, department, team, etc.) does the content of the canvas concern?
  • Designed by: Which organization (company, department, team, etc.) created the content?
  • Date: When was the content created or last updated?
  • Focused on: On which area/topic/case/etc. does the content of this canvas focus?

② Decision Makers

Decision Makers
  • For B2B business: Decision makers are those leading a department or the company. Because decision-makers are not domain experts per se, they rely on the information provided by the end users, the economic buyers, or recommenders.
  • For B2C business: For example, parents are the decision makers for their young children.

③ Economic Buyers

Economic Buyers
  • For B2B business: Economic buyers are part of the sourcing organization or budget owners (sponsors). They are primarily concerned about economical factors.
  • For B2C business: For example, parents pay for their kids.

④ End Users

End Users
  • For B2B business: The end users are the employees who use or benefit from the project, product, or service. For them, the value proposition is decisive.
  • For B2C business: For example, the kids are the consumers.

⑤ Saboteurs

  • B2B Business: Colleagues who see their personal careers threatened might be saboteurs.
  • B2C Business: Family members or work colleagues could have a negative influence.

⑥ Influencers

  • B2B Business: Colleagues who indirectly benefit or external domain experts.
  • B2C Business: Friends or celebrities.

⑦ Recommenders

  • B2B Business: Specialized departments such as IT or a Business Intelligence unit, as well as external consultants or service providers.
  • B2C Business: Consumers may seek advice from industry experts or existing users and buyers.

⑧ Implementers

  • B2B Business: Specialized departments like software development or an AI factory unit, as well as external service, solution, or tool providers.
  • B2C Business: Specialized craftsmen, for example, often handle installation or integration tasks.
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